Anastasia Tarkhanova.
Born 1995 in Moscow.
Since 2014 - 2018 studied theatre history and theatre science in Russian Institute of Theatre Arts in Moscow (GITIS). Graduation: Diploma about Interdisciplinary theatre and Swiss director Milo Rau.
Anastasia Tarkhanova has supported since 2013 Georg Genoux's projects by Democracy.doc and Theatre of Displaced People (Ukraine). In addition, since August 2017 until today she has done practices at the Institute for interdisciplinary art Free School of Art Hamburg - FIU e.V..
Since 2017 she has coordinated International projects in PostPlay Theatre in Kiev (Ukraine) where she also produced theater projects.2018 she was a stage artist and video artist in theatre piece «Justice for Saxony» in the boundaries of the project «The country I don't know» in Gerhart – Hauptmann Theatre in Zittau. Also she was a member of video project «Your and My story» by «The country I don't know».
She also produced in 2018 the theater project «The play that will be» at the PostPlay Theater in Kiev, which deals with the trial of the detained former producer Alexei Malobrodsky of the Kirill Serebrennikov's theatre «The Seventh Studio» in Moscow.


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