
Performance "We.bg", organized by Teatr Replika Sofia and Democracy.doc

Next performance at 24th of November 2014 at the "I am Studio" in Sofia.

Created by director Georg Genoux, the russian psychoterapist Jelena Margo, the actors collective of theatre Replika and a group of new actors by Roma minority in Bulgaria.

No two “We.bg” performances are like as the audience plays an active role in all of the shows. This process is always leaded by two actors of our group. In this performances, the creators and actors group of “We.bg" offer their audiences the opportunity to explore their own relationships to democracy and all about what is worrying them in Bulgaria. 
Audience members are  asked to confront questions about their understanding of democracy and the prozesses, which are going on in Bulgaria. They are asked to articulate how they experience it in their everyday lives. This is a sensitive question. It often leads to powerful conflicts onstage that clearly reflect certain tensions in the culture. In a society where many sensitive topics are suppressed and ignored, the theatre takes on an important responsibility. It gives voice to people from all different sectors of society, especially those which are generally marginalized or relegated to the periphery. 

There are actually no actors in “We.bg” i a typical understanding. There is no recitation or memorized texts and no attempt to replicate reality on stage. “We.bg” creates a space for its participants to articulate certain sentiments that are often left unspoken and unexplored. Right before our eyes ordinary people become spectators, actors, directors and characters all at the same time.

At the premiere day you are also invited to watch a foto exhibition and a documentary film about this project.
Premiera was on 26th of May 2014 at the festival NEDRAma-international at the Goethe Institut in Sofia and on 10th of June, 10th and 31th of July at the "Factory for Town Art" in Sofia.

This performance is part of the project "The Emergency Theatre" by Theatre Replika, supported by EEA Grants.





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