
A Project by Alisa Kovalenko and Georg Geoux
She was brought to captivity by taxi, after reaching out to the separatists surrounding the Ukrainian military checkpoint that leads to Donetsk. It all happened a few days after the so-called “referendum”…

A report from captivity – a reconstructions of Alisa Kovalenko’s personal history of having been captured by militants in Donbass in May 2014. This performance depicts the days she spent in captivity minute by minute – a reenactment of life in prison.

In this project the documentary filmmaker Alisa Kovalenko, together with director Georg Genoux, shares the details of her imprisonment with astonishing honesty. Through her retelling of her experience, Alisa also shares important moments from her past. This is a story about what happens to a person’s soul when she is deprived of personal space. It is a story of the psychological struggle and the strength, of how the absurdity of the events at hand become your everyday reality and about how, in one’s soul, the war will never end.

“Captivity” will be performed on 2nd March as part of the Documentary Days of Theatre of Displaced People. It is a collaborative project of Theatre of Displaced People, Festival "Dreiländerspiel" в Teatr Zittau (Германия) and Democracy.doc.
Curator Alexeij Karatshinsky.

This show premiered 27th April at the Festival "Dreiländerspiel" в Teatr Zittau (Циттау, Германия), and will be shown on 30 and 31 May at the Golden Gates Theatre in Kyiv.




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