01th and 02th of April 2016 the documentary projects "Product" by Alik Sardarian and "Where is East: Monolog Nr.1" by Natalya Vorozhbyt and Georg Genoux at the Maxim Gorki Theatre in Berlin.
In collaboration with "Szenenwechsel", International Theatreinstitute (ITI) and Robert Bosch Foundation.
31th of MArch 2016 premiere of the film Mykolaevka about the documentary project Mykolaevka by Natalya Vorozhbyt and Georg Genoux at the Maxim Gorki Theatre in Berlin.
26th of March 2016 documentary project Mykolaevka by Natalya Vorozhbyt and Georg Genoux at the festival Docudays UA in Kiev.
23th of March presentation of the workshop by Lizza Smith and Denis Ponomarenko with students from schools in Nikolaevka (Donetsk Region, Ukraine) and Konstanz (Germany) at the Theater Konstanz. 16th of March 2016 documentary project Mykolaevka by Natalya Vorozhbyt and Georg Genoux at Theater Konstanz in Germany.
08th of March 2016 premiere of the lecture performance "Fear and self - administration" by Georg Genoux as part of the program "COMMUNITY N PROGRESS" at the Theater Basel in Switzerland. . 02th of March 2016 presentation of the documentary project "Hostage" by Alisa Kovalenko as part of the project "Where is East?" at Theatre of Displaced People in Kiev.
26th of February premiere of teh documentary project "Rosaria" by Dmimitry Levitzky as part of the project "Where is East?" at Theatre of Displaced People in Kiev.
30th of January 2016 documentary project Mykolaevka by Natalya Vorozhbyt and Georg Genoux at the culture center "Teplitsa" in Slavjansk (Donets Region, Ukraine) and at 31th of January 2016 at the Youth Theatre in Severdonetsk (Donets Region, Ukraine)
29th of January 2016 premiere of the documentary project "Where is East?" by Ntalia Vorozhbyt and Georg Genoux at the culture center "Teplitsa" in Slavjansk (Donets Region, Ukraine).
28th of December 2015 Theatre of Displaced People in Kiew, co-founded by Democracy.doc, was selected by the Ukrainian newspaper gazeta.ua as the "greatest achievment of Ukrainian Theatre for 2015".
19th of December 2015 interactive Filminstallation Fear in Ukraine by Georg Genoux at the Theatre of Displaced People in Kiew.
19th of December 2015 Celebration of St. Nicholas Day for childreen from displaced families at the Theatre of Displaced People in Kiev.
18th of December 2015 Documentary Day and performance Product at the Theatre of Displaced People in Kiev.
16th of December 2015 performance Where is East? at the Theatre of Displaced People in Kiev. 16th of December 2015 performance "To Buy a Story" by The Institute of Rubbish at the Goethe Institute in Sofia. 16th and 17th of December 2015 The Truth beyond the Arctic Circle by Replika Theatre at the I AM Studio in Sofia.
14th of December 2015 A couple of two polish speaking Romanians by Replika Theatre at the I AM Studio in Sofia. 13th of December 2015 Uzbek by Talgat Batalov at the Russian Nights Festival in Helsinki.
10th of December 2015 start of the collaboration by the Theatre of Displaced People and the Goethe Institute Ukraine: The interactive documantary project Where is East? will be in 2016 also developed in the ukrainian cities Nikolaevka, Slavjansk, Odessa, Charkov and Lviv. 07th of December 2015 lecture "Organisation of the reality" by Georg Genoux at Closer in Kiew.
05th of December 2015 start if the volonteer program Displaced Kids at the Theatre of Displaced People in Kiew.
30th of November 2015 guest performance of the project Uzbek by Talgat Batalov at the Theatre of Displaced People in Kiew.
29th of November 2015 premiere of the performance Product by Alik Sardarian at at the Theatre of Displaced People in Kiew. "Product" is part of the project "Where is East?". 30th and 31th of March 2016 "Where is East?" premiere in Germany at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin. In collaboration with "Szenenwechsel", International Theatreinstitute (ITI) and Robert Bosch Foundation.
28th of November 2015 the interactive Filminstallation Fear in Ukraine by Georg Genoux will perform at the Theatre of Displaced People in Kiew.
27th of November 2015 second premiere of the project "Where is East?" by Natalya Vorozhbyt, Alexei Karatshinskij,and Georg Genoux at the Theatre of Displaced People in Kiew.
26th of November 2015 Georg Genoux will present the idea of the Theatre of Displaced People at the Akademie der Künste Berlin as part of the jubilee of the ITI (International Theatre Insttute).
20th of November 2015 the play CAN I OR CAN'T I by Natalya Vorozhbyt and directed by Georg Genoux will perform at the Redhouse Center for Culture and Debate) in Sofia as as part of the program "Ukraine today, in first person". "Ukraine today, in first person" is part of the internationl program of the Kiew Biennial of contemporaryr art 2015.
19th of November 2015 the interactive Filminstallation Fear in Ukraine by Georg Genoux will perform at the Redhouse Center for Culture and Debate) in Sofia as as part of the program "Ukraine today, in first person".
14th of November 2015 the performance A couple of two polish speaking Romanians by Replika Theatre, directeyd by Georg Genoux will perform at the Bulgarien Culture Center in London.
12th and 13th of November 2015 the documentary project We are the Rubbish from Eastern Europe by Georg Genoux and Teatr Replika Sofia will perform at GRAD Gallery in London. 27th of October 2015 premiere of the project "Where is East?" by Natalya Vorozhbyt, Alexei Karatshinskij, Marina Vroda and Georg Genoux will open the Theatre of Displaced People in Kiew. 30th and 31th of March 2016 "Where is East?" premiere in Germany at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin. In collaboration with "Szenenwechsel", International Theatreinstitute (ITI) and Robert Bosch Foundation. 23th of October 2015 guest performance of the project Uzbek by Talgat Batalov at GRAD Gallery in London.
On 15th of October 2015 the documentary theatre program The Institute of Rubbish opened at the Goethe Institute in Sofia. Curated by german director Georg Genoux, the program is is part of the Institutes new arts iniative "Production spaces". Baba Pepi (About the Old People), a Film Installation by Irina Andreeva and Georg Genoux. Opening on 15th of October 2015 at 17.00 at the Goethe Institute in Sofia. Uncle Tseni (About the Old People), a documentary performance by Margarita Macheva on 15th of October 2015 at 19.00 at the Goethe Institute in Sofia. To buy a story, a documentary performance by Boris Zafirov on 20th of October 2015 at 19.00 at the Goethe Institute in Sofia
27th of September 2015 work in progress presentation of the documentary project "Where is East?" by Maryna Vroda at the Gogolfest in Kiew. 24th and 25th of September 2015 work in progress presentation Where is East? by Natalya Vorozhbyt, Alexei Karatshiskij and Georg Genoux at the Gogolfest at DAKH Theatre Kiew.
17th and 18th of September 2015 documentary project Mykolaevka by Natalya Vorozhbyt and Georg Genoux at the Gogolfest at DAKH Theatre Kiew. 16th and 17th of September 2015 guest performance of the project Uzbek by Talgat Batalov at the festival Asian Art Theatre in Korea. 6th of Septmeber 2015 New York Times/Reuters about Filminstallation "Fear in Ukraine" by Georg Genoux. 01th of September 2015interactive Film Installation "Fear in Ukraine" by Georg Genoux, Benjamin Brettschneider and Jelena Margo at the festival SOPOT NON FICTION in Poland. 06th of August 2015 interactive Film Installation "Fear in Ukraine" by Georg Genoux, Benjamin Brettschneider and Jelena Margo at the festival Dirty Drama in Riga. 17th of June 2015 start of the new project Theatre of Displaced People by Natalya Vorozhbyt, Alexei Karatshiskij, Georg Genoux and Lizza Smith. First presentation "Liviv I" on 25th of June 2015 at the forum Doncult in Lviv.
06th of August 2015 interactive Film Installation "Fear in Ukraine" by Georg Genoux, Benjamin Brettschneider and Jelena Margo at the festival Dirty Drama in Riga. 17th of June 2015 start of the new project Theatre of Displaced People by Natalya Vorozhbyt, Alexei Karatshiskij, Georg Genoux and Lizza Smith. First presentation "Liviv I" on 25th of June 2015 at the forum Doncult in Lviv.
12th of June 2015 at the NEDRAma festival/laboratory (Redhouse Center for Culture and Debate) in Sofia and 28th of June, 2th and 4th of July 2015 at the festival Belluard Bolwerk International in Fribourg (Switzerland) premiere of the documentary project DO YOU LISTEN TO THE DRIVER? by Josephine De Weck and Irina Andreeva.
6th of June 2015 guest performance of the project Usbek by Talgat Batalov at the festival "Russian Theatrespring in Berlin". 26th of May 2015 leading article "My Nikolaevka" by Daniel Schulz about the project Mykolaevka in the german newspapaer taz (Die Tageszeitung). 26th - 30th of May 2015 Festival/laboratory NEDRAma in Sofia. 23th of April 2015 premiere of the documentary project Mykolaevka by Natalya Vorozhbyt and Georg Genoux at the School Nr.3 in Nikolaevka (Donetsk Region, Ukraine) and on 19th and 20th of June 2015 at the forum Doncult in Lwiw (Ukraine). Next performances at the Gogolfest in Kiew and at the School Nr.3 in Nikolaevka at the end of September 2015.
02th of April 2015 started to work the creative movement The Institute of Rubbish. A collection of interdisciplinary projects.in Bulgaria by Irina Andreeva and Georg Genoux. 10th of February 2015 started the work on the new documentary project About the Old People by Georg Genoux. The premiere will be on 26th of May at the NEDRAma Festival in the Redhouse Center for Culture and Debate in Sofia. 8th of February 2015 Presentation of the new homepage Hands & Hearts for Ukraina at the festival "Lessing days" at the Thalia Theatre in Hamburg. 29th of January 2015 will be the presentation of the interactive Film Installation "Fear in Ukraine" by Georg Genoux, Benjamin Brettschneider and Jelena Margo at the DAKH Theater Kiew. Premiere will be on 8th of February 2015 at the the festival "Lessing days" at the Thalia Theatre in Hamburg. 13th and 14th of March 2015 at "Vierte Welt" in Berlin. 28th and 29th of April 2015 at the Diana Drama Festival Helsinki. 14th of May 2015 at GRAD Galeery in London. The event is part of a joint festival of Ukrainien documentary theatre an dcinema held in collaboration with Open City Docs and Frontline Club. 28th of May 2015 at the festival/laboratory NEDRAma in Sofia. 18th of June 2015 at the forum Doncult in Lviv. 06th of August 2015 at the festival Dirty Drama in Riga. Also in 2015 at the festival SOPOT NON FICTION in Poland.
24th of November opening of the Teatr Replika Studio program at the "I am Studio" in Sofia, organized by Teatr Replika Sofia and Democracy.doc. At the opening day will perform the second premiere of the interactive performance "We.bg." by director Georg Genoux. The I AM Studio is the first stage for independent theatre on the "bulgarian broadway" Rakovska street. 18h and 19th of October 2014 the project We are the Rubbish from Eastern Europe will perform at the Maxim Gorki Theatre in Berlin. 16th of October 2014 the project A Couple of two poor polish speaking Romaniens will participate at the IETM Festival for independent theatre in Sofia. September 2014 starts the new project by Democracy.doc: Restart. 20th century 30th of May 2014 the project "Lyndee sings the Blues" by Georg Genoux, Molly Flynn and the University of Cambridge will perform at the NEDRAma international Festival/Laboratory. 26th of May 2014 premiere of the project "We.bg" by Teatr Replika, Georg Genoux and Elena Margo and lecture by Elena Margo about how Democracy.doc turns into Fear at the Goethe Institut Sofia at the NEDRAma - international Festival/Laboratory . 24th -30 of May NEDRAma - international Festival/Laboratory, organized by Teatr Replika and Democracy.doc in Sofia. 23th of May The bulgarian critic Nikola Wandow in Kultura about the work of Teatr Replika and Georg Genoux: "This completly simplified new kind of theatre performed by Replika is obviosly the most interesting trend in recent years". 18th of May lecture by Georg Genoux at the Slavistic Seminar of the University of Zurich about political theatre in Russia. 10th of May 2014 the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rossen Plewneliew presented the Award "Stoyan Kambarev" for contemporary art to Teatr Replika for their projects with director Georg Genoux "We are the Rubbish from Eastern Europe", "A couple of two poor polish speaking Romaniens" and "Truth..beyond the arctic circle". May 2014 Article by Georg Genoux in the book "Document. Forgery. Reality. (Dokument. Fälschung. Wirklichkeit)" by Theater der Zeit about 16 years work in Russia, Memory Drama and Democracy.doc. 8th of May lecture by Elena Margo about the idea of Democracy.doc at the summit "World work in Warsaw" on politics and conscioness in the changing world. 5th of May 2014 Theater der Zeit about the project "We are the rubbish from eastern europe". 4th and 5th of April 2014 the project "Lear reheaerses death" by Georg Genoux will perform at the Russian Case program of the Golden Mask Festival in Moscow. 2th of April 2014 lecture by Elena Margo about the idea of Democracy.doc at the University of Portland. 21th and 22th of March 2014 the project "Pavlik is my God" by the Joseph Beuys Theatre will perform at the Meyerhold Center in Moscow. 5th and 6th of March 2014 lecture by Dimitri Dubrowski about "minorities, conflicts and solutions" at the Goethe Institut Sofia, organized by Teatr Replika, interdisciplinary Laboratory NEDRAma and Democracy.doc. 13th and 14th of February 2014 premierae of the project "Lyndee sings the Blues" by Georg Genoux and Molly Flynn at the University of Cambridge. 28th of January 2014 premiere of the project "We are the Rubbish from Eastern Europe" by Georg Genoux and Teatr Replika at the Redhouse Center for Culture and Debate in Sofia. 27th of January 2014 work in progress presentation of the project "Face of a Foreinger", dedicated to the memory of Dimitiar Gottshef by Georg Genoux, Irina andreeva and Kris Sharkov at the Redhouse Center for Culture and Debate in Sofia. 27th of January 2014 Debate about the Migration from Bulgaria to Westeurope moderated by Dessy Gavrilova and organized by the Redhouse Center for Culture and Debate in Sofia, Interdiscilnary Laboratory NEDRAma and Democracy.doc. 18th of December 2013 will perform the interactive project "Fear" by Arman Bekenov, Georg Genoux and Jelena Margo at Teatr.doc in Moscow. 15th and 16th of December 2013 Interdisciplinary Laboratory NEDRAma plus, curated by Georg Genoux at the Redhouse Center for Culture and Debate in Sofia. 8th of December 2013 lecture by Elena Margo "Eight years project Democracy.doc" at National Center of Contemporary Art (NCCA) in Moscow. 5th ov Novmber 2013 the project "A couple of two polish speaking Romanians" by Teatr Replika, Georg Genoux and Elena Margo wil perform at the "ACT Festival for independent theatre" Sofia. 27th November 2013 article "Love and Theatre at Lear Rehearses Death" by John Freedman in the Moscow Times about the project Lear Rehearses Death" by Georg Genoux. 19th of November 2013 presentation of the interactive project "Fear" by Arman Bekenov, Georg Genoux and Jelena Margo at National Center of Contemporary Art (NCCA) in Moscow. 17th of November 2013 lecture by Georg Genoux about documentary theatre at the laboratory "Media poetry" in Moscow. 16th of November 2013 interview with Georg Genoux in "Gaseta.ru" about the project "Lear rehearses Death" and the break up of the Joseph Beuys Theatre in Moscow. 15th and 16th of November 2013 premiere of the project "Lear Rehearses Death" by Georg Genoux at the Meyerhold Center in Moscow. 5th of November 2013 presentation of the project "Lear Rehearses Death" by Georg Genoux at National Center of Contemporary Art (NCCA) in Moscow. 23th - 27th of October 2013 International and Interdisciplinary Laboratory NEDRAma at the National Center of Contemporary Art (NCCA) in Jekaterinenburg, curated by Georg Genoux. 24th of October 2013 will perform the project "Usbek" by Talgat Batalov and Joseph Beuys Theatre in Bratislava. 16th - 20th of October seminar and workshop by Georg Genoux about politcal theatre and theatre strategies at the festival "Kracow Theatrical Reminescences". 7th of October 2013 will perform the project "Usbek" by Talgat Batalov and Joseph Beuys Theatre at High Fest International Performing Arts Festival in Jerewan. 10th of October 2013 will perform the projects "A word about the word" by Dimitri Volkostrelov and Xenia Peretruchina, based on the speech by Vaclav Havel and "I, Chaadayev" about the russian philosopher Petr Chaadayev by Nikolai Berman at the Memory Drama program, curated by Georg Genoux, at the Meyerhold Center in Moscow. 3th of October 2013 presentation of the project "1993" by Georg Genoux at the Memorial Center in Moscow. 15th of Septmber 2013 premiere of the project ""A couple of two polish speaking Romanians" by Teatr Replika, Georg Genoux and Elena Margo at the Redhouse Center for Culture and Debate in Sofia. 26th of June - 03th of July 2013 Festival/Laboratory NEDRAma - international at the Redhouse Center for Culture and Debate in Sofia., curated by Georg Genoux. 17th of June will perform the project "I, Chaadayev" about the russian philosopher Petr Chaadayev by Nikolai Berman at the National Center of Contmeporary Art (NCCA) in Moscow. Memory Drama program, curated by Georg Genoux and organized by Memorial society Russia and Jospeh Beuys Theatre. 13th and 14th of June 2013 will perform the project "Momo" by Georg Genoux, based on the roman by Michael Ende. A project with immigrant childreen and the actors of the Moscow Art Theatre at the Moscow Art Theatre Laboratories, curated by Pavel Rudnev. 09th of June 2013 action "The last word" at the Open Book Market in Moscow. A Memory Drama Project by the Memorial Center Russia. 28th of May 2013 will perform the project "Fear" by Arman Bekenov, Georg Genoux and Elena Margo at the National Center of Contemporary Art (NCCA) in Moscow. 26th and 27th of May 2013 will perform the project "Usbek" bei Talgat Batalov and Joseph Beuys Theatre at the Golden Mask Performing Art Festival in Warsaw. 19th of May 2013 article "Russia's First Political Madman comes to Live again" by John Freedman in the Moscow Times about the project "I, Chaadayev" by Nikolai Berman. 30th of April the Russian human rights center and historical entlightenment society Memorial and partner of Memory Drama, has been identified by teh Russian gouverment as a forein agent. April 2013 nomination as "best theatre experiment of the year" by the Golden Mask Award and participation of the Russian Case Program of the Goden Mask Festival in Moscow of the project "Usbek" by Talgat Batalov and Joseph Beuys Theatre. 2th - 6th of September seminar about documentary and interactive theatre by Nina Belenitzkaya and Georg Genoux at the Youth Seminar in Nizhnii Tagil, organized by the Russian Theatr Union (STD) in Jekaterinenburg. 07th of March will perform the project "A word about the word" by Dimitri Volkostrelov and Xenia Peretruchina, based on the speech by Vaclav Havel at the National Center of Contmeporary Art (NCCA) in Moscow. Memory Drama program, curated by Georg Genoux and organized by Memorial society Russia and Jospeh Beuys Theatre. 20th of February lecture about political theatre in Russia by Georg Genoux at the Human Rights Program of the St.Petersburg State University. 08th of February premiere of the project "Truth..Beyond the Artic circle" by Georg Genoux and Teatr Replika at The Redhouse center for Culture and Debate in Sofia. 29th of January will perform the interactive project "And me" by Arman Bekenov, Georg Genoux and Jelena Margo at the National Center of Contemporary Art (NCCA) in Moscow. 03th of January 2013 start of the Inderdisciplinary Laboratory NEDRAma in Sofia, curated by Georg Genoux. 28th of December 2012 Georg Genoux starts to work as a director and curator at Teatr Replika in Sofia. 17th of December 2012 presentation of the project "Emergenxy Theatre" by Georg Genoux at the National Center of Contemporary Art (NCCA) in Moscow. 16th and 18th of November 2012 the interactive performance Democracy.doc by Arman Bekenov, Georg Genoux and Elena Margo will perform at noumerous venues in Switzerland (Kaserne Basel and Theatre Chur) as participants in the Culture Capes Russian/Swiss exchange of 2012. 15th of November 2012 interview with Georg Genoux in Tagesanzeiger about the performance Democrcy.doc at Culture Capes Russian/Swiss exchange of 2012 in Basel and Chur. First time in Russia public presentation of the text by Joseph Beuys "Call for an Alternative". 13th of November 2012 will perform the interdactive project " Call for an Alternative" by Xenia Peretruchina and Georg Genoux at the National Center of Contemporary Art (NCCA) in Moscow. 11th November 2012 article "Georg Genoux Takes Leave of Moscow" by John Freedman in the Moscow Times about the work of Georg Genoux in Russia. 8th of November 2012 lecture by Georg Genoux about the Joseph Beuys Theatre in Moscow at the exibition "Call for an Alternative" of Joseph Beuys at the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art (MMCA). 6th of November 2012 the interactive performance Democracy.doc by Arman Bekenov, Georg Genoux and Elena Margo will perform at the Andrei Sakharov Museum in Moscow. 3th of November 2012 will perform the project "A Man Who Didnt Work" by Evgenia Berkovic about the trial of Joseph. Brodsky at the festival BIg Break in Moscow. The performance is a Memory Drama project, organized by Memorial Society and Joseph Beuys Theatre. 21th of October 2012 lecture by Georg Genouy about political theatre in Russia at the international congress "Power and desident" of the IIPM at the National Theatre Weimar, curated by Milo Rau. October 2012 interview with Georg Genoux about political theatre and memory drama in Russia in the book "Culture Scapes Schauplatz der Inszenierungen". Culture Capes Russian/Swiss exchange of 2012. 28th and 29th of July 2012 will perform the projects of the Joseph Beuys Theatre "Democracy.doc" by Arman Bekenov, Georg Genoux and Elena Margo, "1993" by Alexey Krizhevskij and "Usbek" by Talgat Batalov at the Pilorama Festival, organized at the Gulag Museum Perm 36. 28th of July action "Emergency Theatre" by Georg Genoux at the Sakhalin puppet theatre in Sakhalin. 19th of July 2012 article "4th Theatre Transform Documented Life Into Art" by John Freedman in the Moscow Times about the latoratory Memory drama, organized by Memorial society and Joseph Beuys Theatre. 6th and 7th of July 2012 seminar for russian museum directors about "theatre programs at museems" by Pavel Rudnev and Georg Genoux at the Gulag Museum Perm 36. 6th of Jul 2012y article by Georg Genoux "Its strange to stage Shakespeare, when the reality is so rich on stories" in the "Novaya Gaseta" about political theatre in Russia. 21th of June 2012 article "Uzbek shows Moscow Throug Immigrant Eyes" by John Freedman in the Moscow Times about the performance Usbek by Talgat Batalov and Joseph Beuys Theatre. 14th of June 2012 premiere of the project "A Man Who Didnt Work" by Evgenia Berkovic about the trial of Joseph Brodsky at the laboratory Memory Drama, organized by Memorial Society and Joseph Beuys Theatre. 14th - 17th of June 2012 laboratory Memory Drama at the Memorial society, curated by Alexandra Polivanova and Georg Genoux. 28th of May 2012 premiere of the project "Usbek" by Talgat Batalov and Joseph Beuys Theatre at the Andrei Sakharov Museum in Moscow. 5th - 7th of May 2012 premiere of the project CRISIS by Arman Bekenov, Georg Genoux and Michail Kaluzhkij at the 7. Berlin Biennale of Contemporary Art at Theater Hebbel am Ufer Berlin. 31th of March 2012 will perform the project The Society of the Annonvmness Artists with Arman Bekenov and Vera Polazkova at the center for contemporary art ERARTE in St. Petersburg. 30th and 31th of March 2012 premiere of the project "I Anna and Helga" by Georg Genoux at the Andrei Sakharov Museum in Moscow. 16th of March 2012 Georg Genoux, Pavel Rudnev, Poman Pavlovski at the radio program by Elena Fanailova at "Radio Freedom". 18th - 25th of February 2012 International Documentorary Theatre Laboratory Breaking Down the Barriers at the Andrei Sakharov Museum in Moscow. Organised by Joseph Beuys Theatre. Supported by European Comission, Goethe Institut Moscow, Polish Institut Moscow. Curators: Georg Genoux, Pavel Rudnev and Michail Kaluzhskij. 21 of March 2012 the interactive performance Democracy.doc by Arman Bekenov, Georg Genoux and Elena Margo will perform at the International Documentorary Theatre Laboratory Breaking Down the Barriers at the Andrei Sakharov Museum in Moscow.