
Deutsche Welle about “Democracy.doc”.

Der Spiegel about “Democracy.doc”

The Moscow Times: John Freedman: Georg Genoux takes a leave of Moscow

School #3

Kiev Post about film School #3 by Yelisaveta Smith and Georg Genoux


Inga Pylyptschuk at Goethe Institute about School #3


Molly Flinn in The Calvert Journal about School # 3




Alisa Sopova in about Theatre of Displaced People

Leading article by Daniel Schulz in the german newspaper taz (Die Tageszeitung)

Kiev Post about the project Children and Warriors by Natalia Vorozhbyt and Georg Genoux


Interview with Georg Genoux by Sylvia Sasse in Geschichte der Gegenwart


New York Times/Reuters about "Fear in Ukraine".


Heart-breaking Georg Genoux movie - Anyone Can Be St.Nikolai

Ukrainien Events in Lodon. By Agne Dovydaityte.

Documentary theatre. Voices of the Donbass in London

BBC Russia.




We are the Rubbish from Eastern Europe

Award Stoyan Kambarev for Teatr Replika

Nikola Wandov. Kultura 23.may 2014

Theater der Zeit about We are the Rubbish from Eastern Europe

Lear Rehearses Death

John Freedman: Love and Theater in ‘Lear Rehearses Death’
The Moscow Times. 27. December 2013

Kristina Matvienko, Nina Belenitskaya, State Center of Modern Arts,Yekaterina Anokhina (Ekran IScena), Portal KUDAGO about Lear Rehearses Death

Interdisciplinary Laboratory NEDRAma Sofia 2013

Boris Nikitin: Jede Wirklichkeit ist eine Fiktion

Roman Pavlowski: Sofia's Diary

Laboratories of interdisciplinary theatre by Georg Genoux

John Freeman: Russia’s First Political Madman Comes to Life Again

The Moscow Times. 19 May 2013

John Freedman: Breaking down the Barriers of Theater
The Moscow Times. 27 February 2012

John Freedman: 4th Theatre Transforms Documented Life Into Art
The Moscow Times. 19 July 2012

John Freedman: Uzbek Shows Moscow through Immigrant's Eyes
The Moscow Times. 21 June 2012

John Freedman: So, Does Theatre and Politics Mix In Russia?
The Moscow Times. 19 June 2011



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